Pāli Literature of Thailand

This page is meant to be a collection of Pāli literature composed by Thai authors. The initial phase starts with texts that are easy to find in digital form. Then the conversion from scanned books will follow. This can help Pāli researchers find materials that inaccessible to foreigners.

1. Maṅgalatthadīpanī

Maṅgalatthadīpanī was composed by Sirimaṅgala in AD 1524, south of Chiang Mai.1 The text is a commentary to Maṅgalasutta in Khuddakapāṭha (No. 5). In the traditional Thai Pāli curriculum, this is the reading materials of Level (Parian) 4–5. The text is highly praised by Thai Pāli scholars for its excellent style and the use of a vast array of references.

2. Buddhaghosappavattikathā

This short piece was compiled or recomposed by Somdet Phra Vannarat, Heng Khemacārī (1882–1943), from some ancient works.2 It is about a story of Buddaghosa. This piece is taken from the supplementary part to the Visuddhimagga studied by traditional Thai Pāli students in Level (Parian) 8. The text is not found in other sources. I find it quite interesting, so I add it here.


  1. Oskar von Hinüber, 1996, A Handbook of Pāli Literature, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, p. 179 (§389). 

  2. As listed by the author himself, the sources are Saddhammasaṅgaha and Purāṇa Mahāvaṃsa. Moreover, he mentioned some other works that give different accounts, such as, Buddhaghosanidāna, Vaṃsamālinī, and Ñāṇodaya