Saddanītippakaraṇassa Dhātumālā

The source of this text comes from CSCD. Dhātumālā has 5 chapters, following those of Padamālā. To make the data easier to program, I have to edit a few points (also several corrections) and add definition numbers. The numbers here are different from those given by Helmer Smith. Smith counts by distinct roots, 1687 totally, whereas I count by definitions (duplication can be found), 1412 totally. By this numbering scheme, it will be easier to make references. It is worth noting that Smith starts counting at 2 for i gatiyaṃ. The number 1 is bhū sattāyaṃ explained already in Padamālā. However, bhū actually appears in the book, at 844 in my counting. In addition, I add an asterisk (*) to all roots to make them apart from their definition. I also add some variants found in Thai edition (Bhūmibalo, 2016) and Smith edition (only root names, definitions and some examples are taken into account). These can be seen with sy. and sm. respectively. But keep in mind that in Pāli b can be replaced with v (sometimes), so they are not each other variant. For example, [97] Byāca here appears as 144 Vyāca in Smith’s list. For English meanings of roots in this book, see Meanings of Pāli Roots. Lastly, in the book roots are grouped by their ending. This is unfamiliar to us. For easier finding, you can use Pāli Root Finder.

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